Thursday, July 22, 2010

Here ya go!!

Well, this says it all!! I was sooo shocked!! This night I was having pains in my ovary area like usual when coming up on that time of the month. This night was different!!  We're so excited!! I'm a little over 3 months pregnant!! My little fetus is already getting a taste of profaninty in utero, earmuffs little guy!! I've had no morning sickness at all, I keep telling Travis I can see why women have babies in the toilets!! I don't feel different, besides that I LOVE deep fried foods, oh and my girls are getting bigger, not that it takes much, hehe!! This footage was taken seconds after I peed on that lovely little stick!! We're at my cousins bachelorette party. My cousins Keri and Krechelle were the ones that watched the test turn.


L'erin said...

ha! i love it! "oh shit it might be twins" lol the video made me tear up, so excited!

Kami Satterlee said...

I feel like I'm pregnant with you I'm such a sicko how much I love pregnancy!! yay I bawled, yep Im gonna watch it again so I can cry all over again!! ahhhhhhh

The Brady Fam said...

Linds, we are so happy for guys! Update your blog a lot during this pregnancy, so those of us that don't get to see you still know what's going on. No more of this every 2-3 month crap! Haha Love you!!!

Calee said...

yep, I cried with you too. Jeez. And I'm with Brittney, post more updates!

Mindy Evanson said...

That video is priceless!! I'm so happy for you Linds! Babies are so special... Miss you!

TJ and Stephanie said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I am so excited for you. I love being pregnant, it is such an amazing experience! Good Luck!

Scott, Mandi and the boys said...

Can I just say I'm crying just as hard as I did when you text me!! I AM SOOOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU AND TRAV!!! xoxoxo

Caitlin said...

Linds! I'm so so happy for you and I'm with Cal...I cried too:) You're going to be THE cutest mom ever and pretty sure you and Travis will make a beautiful you! So happy Linds! Love cait

Angie said...

Linds you crack me up! I am so excited for you to have this baby, you are going to be such a fun mom. Exciting!!! I love you!

*WEST* said...

SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! Hope we get to see this little nugget sooner then later! Ill be thinking of ya!

Davis and Laura said...

Not sick? Arg...we hate women like you!!! But I am happy for you guys!!! Just wonderful!!!

Marc and Alexis said...

YEA! Congrats... I am so excited for you! Keep us posted:)

It's not unusual to be loved by anyone said...

Found your profile while sneeking around and this video made me cry...congrats to you guys and have some happy nine months.

palefoot said...

CONGRATS girl!!!! So so so exciting, that is wonderful :)

p.s. my new site is:

Dane and Jessica said...

YAY!!!! We are so so sooo excited for you guys!!! You are going to have one good lookin baby!! You are going to be the cutest parents. I can't wait to find out what you guys are having!